School lunches rich in vegetables boost learning and healthy growth in kids
A mere four out of every ten young children in the Netherlands eat enough fruit and vegetables, and the number of overweight children in this country is rapidly increasing. Kokkerelli believes this needs to change, and is conducting research on hot, vegetable-rich school lunches combined with teaching materials for the Youth, Nutrition & Health program. What’s learned in the cradle is carried to the grave!
The vast majority of Dutch children don’t get enough fruit and vegetables and are consuming too many unhealthy products such as soft drinks and sweet and salty snacks. This affects children’s well-being: an unhealthy diet in children increases the risk of diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular symptoms later in life. An unhealthy diet may also adversely affect their performance at school.
A healthy school lunch, however, can teach children to eat healthy at an early age. Commissioned by the Youth, Health & Nutrition program, Kokkerelli is conducting research on hot, vegetable-rich school lunches with validated nutritional education. The study is being performed by Maastricht University. Drees Peter van den Bosch ensures that the children are actually served a hot, vegetable-rich lunch at school.
Read the full article on the Brightlands website.
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Steven 'Lectrr' Degryse is the winner of the European Cartoon Award 2024